This week's limmud is
Year 1
Winter 5784 Part I
1. Dina Dmalchusa – דינא דמלכותא
- Governmental Laws and Taxes
- Civil Applications of Governmental Law
2. The Laws of Common Customs – מנהג בממון
- Common Business Terms and Practices
- Communal Legislation and Enactments
3a. Introduction to Monetary Halacha – משפטי הממון
- The Prohibition of Theft
- Alternative Forms of Theft (Blackmail, Copyright, Etc.)
- Gambling and Dealing in Stolen Goods
Special Topic [Chanukah]
1. Corporate Gifting – לא תחנם
- Matnas Chinam and Ma’achalos Assuros
Winter 5784 Part II
4a. Gezel/Ta’us Akum – גזל וטעות עכו”ם
- Categories of Gezel Akum
- The How’s and Why’s of Gezel Akum
- Intentional and Unintentional Misinformation
- Advertising and Marketing
5. Wrongful Pricing and Defective Merchandise – אונאה ומקח טעות
- Fair vs Unfair Pricing
- Exclusions and Limitations to Ona’ah
- Mistaken Calculations and Measurements
- Defining a Mekach Ta’os
- Liabilities in a Case of Mekach Ta’os
6. Fair Competition – השגת גבול
- Forbidden Forms of Competition
- When Competition is Permitted
- Ani Hamehapech and Headhunting
- Soliciting and Marufiah
7. Kinyanim Expounded – הלכות קנינים
- Types of Commitments
- The Halachos of Mi Shepara
- Acts of Acquisition
- Transactional Kinyanim and Kinyanim with Non-Jews
Special Topic [Pesach]
Corporate Chametz – the issues and solutions – הלכות חמץ במסחר
- Non Jewish or Ownerless Chametz on Jewish Property
- Benefitting from Chametz or Other Isurei Hana’ah
- Chametz Received on Pesach
Spring 5784
9. Partnerships and Corporations – הלכות שותפות
- Partnership Formation
- Profits & Losses
- Operations
- When a Partner Engages in Misconduct
10. Halachic Deals and Documents – הלכות שטרות
- Contracts 101
- Tnai, Asmachta, and Moda’ah
- The Halachic “Agreement Validation” Clause
- Non-Competes and Non-Solicitation Agreements
Summer 5784
11. Tzedaka and Maaser 1 – הלכות צדקה ומעשר ח”א
- The Mitzva of Tzedakah
- Who is Obligated in Tzedakah?
- How to Give Tzedakah
- Who is Entitled to Accept Tzedakah
12. Tzedaka and Maaser 2 – הלכות צדקה ומעשר ח”ב
- The Mitzva of Ma’aser
- How Should Ma’aser be Spent
- The Orders of Preference in Tzedakah & Ma’aser
- Additional Halachos of Tzedakah & Ma’aser
Elul 5784
- Employment Agreements
- Liabilities for Broken Agreements
- Volunteers / Hiring Jewish
- The Employer-Employee Relationship
Special Topic [Sukkos]
Year 2
Winter 5785 Part I
- Appointed and Self-Appointed Brokers
- Co-Brokering and Cutting Out a Broker
14b. Lashon Hara in Business – לשון הרע במסחר
- The Parameters of Lashon Harah
- The Heter of To’eles
15. Dissolution and Termination – חלוקת שותפות/סילוק פועלים
- Dissolution
- Firing Employees
- Quitting
- Severance
16. Malpractice and Corruption – הלכות אומן שקלקל
- General Malpractice
- Medical Malpractice
- Professional Liability
- Corruption, Self-Dealing and Kickbacks
Winter 5785 Part II
17. Loans and Bankruptcy – הלכות הלואה
- The Mitzvah to Lend Money
- Guarantors
- Collections
- Forgiveness & Bankruptcy
18. Ribbis Fundamentals – יסודי הלכות רבית
- The Prohibition of Ribbis
- Classifications of Ribbis
- Conditional Ribbis
- Heter Iska
19. Ribbis in Commerce – הלכות רבית במסחר
- Prepayments and Borrowing Measure for Measure
- Credit Sales and Services
- Loans from Non-Jews on Behalf of Jewish Borrowers
- Banks, Unions and Corporations
Special Topic [Pesach]
3.Mechiras Chametz – הלכות מכירת חמץ
- General Concepts
- Methods of Sale
- Complications and Solutions
Spring 5785
- The Bais Din Process
- Choosing a Bais Din
- Presenting Arguments
- The Din Torah Procedure
21. Bais Din 2/ Secular Courts – ב”ד חלק ב’ וערכאות
- Peshara and Din
- Arriving at a Settlement Agreement
- The Prohibition of Arka’os
- Agreements Predicated on Secular Law
Summer 5785
22. Shabbos and Commerce – הלכות מסחר בשבת
- Non-Jewish Workers on Shabbos
- Kablanus on Shabbos
- Earning Money on Shabbos
- Transactions That Occur on Shabbos
23. Avoda Zara in Commerce – הלכות עבודה זרה במסחר
- Maintaining a Distance from Avoda Zara
- Lifnei Iver: Selling or Renting to Avoda Zara
- Issur Mehane: Buying or Renting from Avoda Zara
- Building or Enhancing a Place of Worship
Elul 5785
24. Yichud & Gender Issues – יחוד והרחקה מעריות
- Where Yichud Applies
- Yichud in the Vicinity of a Spouse
- Multiple Men/Women and Cameras
- Interactions Between Men and Women
In-Depth Supplements
Tishrei 5786
25. Torah study – הלכות תלמוד תורה
- The Mitzvah of Talmud Torah
- Choosing a Syllabus
- Supporting Torah Study
Winter 5786 Part I
26. Custodians – הלכות שומרים
- Becoming a Custodian
- Paid and Unpaid Custodians
- Borrowers & Renters
- General Halachos of Shomrim
27. Hashavas Aveida – הלכות השבת אבידה
- Protecting Others from Loss
- Conditions of Hashavas Aveida
- The Rules of Yeiush
- Items Placed Willfully
- Responsibilities of the Finder
28. Agency in Halacha – הלכות שליחות
- General Rules of Agency
- Mistakes and Misrepresentations
- Revenue Produced by an Agent
- Incapacitation and POAs
Winter 5786 Part II
29. The Laws of Rentals – הלכות שכירות
- Lease Agreements
- Terminations and Evictions
- Repairs and Maintenance
- Subleasing and Damages
8. Children in Commerce – חרש שוטה וקטן במסחר
- Acquisitions and Parental Rights
- Commercial Transactions
- Loans, Custodianship, and Damages
- Incapacitation and Executors
Spring 5786
30. The Laws of Damages – הלכות נזיקין
- Acts of Damage
- Causative Damages
- Fire Damage
- The Laws of Bor
31. Neighbor Law – הלכות שכנים
- Harmful Practices and Uses
- Invasion of Privacy
- Noise Disturbances and Foot Traffic
- Easements and Shared Expenses
Summer 5786
32. Derived and Unsolicited Benefits – דיני נהנה ויורד
- Derived Benefits
- Benefits without Cost
- Unsolicited Benefits
- Special Cases of Unsolicited Benefits
Summer 5786 (Cont)
33. The Laws of Duress – הלכות אונס ומודעה
- Sales and Gifts Under Duress
- Preemptive Declarations of Duress
- Defining Duress
- The Prohibition of Forced Sales
Elul 5786
34. Inheritance – הלכות ירושה
- The Orders of Inheritance
- Changing Beneficiaries
- Laws, Customs, and Enactments
- Wills and Testaments
Coming Soon
Real Estate Track
- General Real Estate
- Bar Metzra
- Acquisitions and Ani Hamehapech
- Lo Sachmod
- Brokerage
- Landlord/Tenant
- Zoning Laws
- Rent Control and Evictions
- Fix and Flip
- Administrations and Boards
HealthCare Track
- Shabbos and Yom Tov
- The Kosher Kitchen and Lifnei Iver
- Foodservice Arrangements
- Partnerships and Ownership Structure
- Ancillary Businesses
- Finance and Ribbis
- Nursing and Housekeeping
- The Halachic Home; Eruv, Mezuza, Tevilas Keilim, and Medication
- Compliance and Fiduciary
- Hiring and Poaching
- Avodah Zara and Chukas Hagoyim Issues
- End of Life and Other Medical Matters
Finance and Ribbis Track
- Introduction: Understanding Ribbis
- Review of Ribbis Fundamentals
- Ribbis Mukdemes – Ribbis Me’ucheres
- Ribbis Devarim
- Defining Ribbis: Gifts, Favors and Charitable Donations
- Selling Conditional on Reversing the Sale
- Using a Purchased Item When the Sale was Reversed
- Ribbis as a Knas: Fines & Penalties
- Differentiating Between Expenses & Interest: Defining the Two
- Ribbis with Non-Jews and Mumar
- Corporate Lending & Borrowing
- Ribbis in Partnerships
- Ribbis in Contracts – Capital Calls and Late Fees
- Arvus & Ribbis: Cosigning on a Non Jew’s Loan
- Arvus & Ribbis: Cosigning on a Ribbis Loan
- Ribbis Responsibilities of Lawyers, Brokers, and Witnesses
- Purchasing Tax Liens and Mortgage Bundles
- Deal Syndication and the Real Estate Process from Negotiation to Closing
- Credit Unions – Ownership in Ribbis Entities
- Credit Unions: Paying Ribbis by Court Order
- Hard Money Loans & Heter Iska – Kulo Pikadon; Chatzi Milve
- Heter Iska- The Approach of Reb Moshe Feinstein
- Heter Iska Klali and Loans Specified to be Al Pi Heter Iska
- Foreign Currencies and Commodities: Se’ah Bese’ah in Today’s Marketplace
- Pesika: Deposits & Price Guarantees
- Tarsha- Paying for Credit & Early Bird Specials
Winter 5784 Part I
- Governmental Laws and Taxes
- Civil Applications of Governmental Law
- Common Business Terms and Practices
- Communal Legislation and Enactments
- The Prohibition of Theft
- Alternative Forms of Theft (Blackmail, Copyright, Etc.)
- Gambling and Dealing in Stolen Goods
Special Edition [Chanukah]
- Matnas Chinam and Ma’achalos Assuros
Winter 5784 Part II
- Categories of Gezel Akum
- The How’s and Why’s of Gezel Akum
- Intentional and Unintentional Misinformation
- Advertising and Marketing
- Fair vs Unfair Pricing
- Exclusions and Limitations to Ona’ah
- Mistaken Calculations and Measurements
- Defining a Mekach Ta’os
- Liabilities in a Case of Mekach Ta’os
- Forbidden Forms of Competition
- When Competition is Permitted
- Ani Hamehapech and Headhunting
- Soliciting and Marufiah
- Types of Commitments
- The Halachos of Mi Shepara
- Acts of Acquisition
- Transactional Kinyanim and Kinyanim with Non-Jews
Special Edition [Pesach]
- Non-Jewish or Ownerless Chametz on Jewish Property
- Benefitting from Chametz or Other Isurei Hana’ah
- Chametz Received on Pesach
Spring 5784
- Contracts 101
- Tnai, Asmachta, and Moda’ah
- The Halachic “Agreement Validation” Clause
- Non-Competes and Non-Solicitation Agreements
- Partnership Formation
- Profits & Losses
- Operations
- When a Partner Engages in Misconduct
Summer 5784
- The Mitzvah of Tzedakah
- Who is Obligated in Tzedakah?
- How to Give Tzedakah
- Who is Entitled to Accept Tzedakah
- The Mitzva of Ma’aser
- How Should Ma’aser be Spent
- The Orders of Preference in Tzedakah & Ma’aser
- Additional Halachos of Tzedakah & Ma’aser
Elul 5784
- Employment Agreements
- Liabilities for Broken Agreements
- Volunteers / Hiring Jewish
- The Employer-Employee Relationship
Special Edition [Sukkos]
Year 2
Winter 5785 Part I
- Appointed and Self-Appointed Brokers
- Co-Brokering and Cutting Out a Broker
- The Parameters of Lashon Harah
- The Heter of To’eles
- Dissolution
- Firing Employees
- Quitting
- Severance
- General Malpractice
- Medical Malpractice
- Professional Liability
- Corruption, Self-Dealing and Kickbacks
Winter 5785 Part II
- The Mitzvah to Lend Money
- Guarantors
- Collections
- Forgiveness & Bankruptcy
- The Prohibition of Ribbis
- Classifications of Ribbis
- Conditional Ribbis
- Heter Iska
- Prepayments and Borrowing Measure for Measure
- Credit Sales and Services
- Loans from Non-Jews on Behalf of Jewish Borrowers
- Banks, Unions and Corporations
Special Edition [Pesach]
- General Concepts
- Methods of Sale
- Complications and Solutions
Spring 5785
- The Bais Din Process
- Choosing a Bais Din
- Presenting Arguments
- The Din Torah Procedure
- Peshara and Din
- Arriving at a Settlement Agreement
- The Prohibition of Arka’os
- Agreements Predicated on Secular Law
Summer 5785
- Non-Jewish Workers on Shabbos
- Kablanus on Shabbos
- Earning Money on Shabbos
- Transactions That Occur on Shabbos
- Maintaining a Distance from Avoda Zara
- Lifnei Iver: Selling or Renting to Avoda Zara
- Issur Mehane: Buying or Renting from Avoda Zara
- Building or Enhancing a Place of Worship
Elul 5785
- Where Yichud Applies
- Yichud in the Vicinity of a Spouse
- Multiple Men/Women and Cameras
- Interactions Between Men and Women
Year 3
In-Depth Supplements
- The Orders of Inheritance
- Changing Beneficiaries
- Laws, Customs, and Enactments
- Wills and Testaments
- Becoming a Custodian
- Paid and Unpaid Custodians
- Borrowers & Renters
- General Halachos of Shomrim
- General Rules of Agency
- Mistakes and Misrepresentations
- Revenue Produced by an Agent
- Incapacitation and POAs
- Lease Agreements
- Terminations and Evictions
- Repairs and Maintenance
- Subleasing and Damages
- Derived Benefits
- Benefits without Cost
- Unsolicited Benefits
- Special Cases of Unsolicited Benefits
- Acts of Damage
- Causative Damages
- Fire Damage
- The Laws of Bor
- Harmful Practices and Uses
- Invasion of Privacy
- Noise Disturbances and Foot Traffic
- Easements and Shared Expenses
- Sales and Gifts Under Duress
- Preemptive Declarations of Duress
- Defining Duress
- The Prohibition of Forced Sales
- Acquisitions and Parental Rights
- Commercial Transactions
- Loans, Custodianship, and Damages
- Incapacitation and Executors
- Protecting Others from Loss
- Conditions of Hashavas Aveida
- The Rules of Yeiush
- Items Placed Willfully
- Responsibilities of the Finder
- The Mitzvah of Talmud Torah
- Choosing a Syllabus
- Supporting Torah Study
Coming Soon
Industry-Specific Tracks
- General Real Estate
- Bar Metzra
- Acquisitions and Ani Hamehapech
- Lo Sachmod
- Brokerage
- Landlord/Tenant
- Zoning Laws
- Rent Control and Evictions
- Fix and Flip
- Administrations and Boards
- Shabbos and Yom Tov
- The Kosher Kitchen and Lifnei Iver
- Foodservice Arrangements
- Partnerships and Ownership Structure
- Ancillary Businesses
- Finance and Ribbis
- Nursing and Housekeeping
- The Halachic Home; Eruv, Mezuza, Tevilas Keilim, and Medication
- Compliance and Fiduciary
- Hiring and Poaching
- Avodah Zara and Chukas Hagoyim Issues
- End of Life and Other Medical Matters
- Introduction: Understanding Ribbis
- Review of Ribbis Fundamentals
- Ribbis Mukdemes – Ribbis Me’ucheres
- Ribbis Devarim
- Defining Ribbis: Gifts, Favors and Charitable Donations
- Selling Conditional on Reversing the Sale
- Using a Purchased Item When the Sale was Reversed
- Ribbis as a Knas: Fines & Penalties
- Differentiating Between Expenses & Interest: Defining the Two
- Ribbis with Non-Jews and Mumar
- Corporate Lending & Borrowing
- Ribbis in Partnerships
- Ribbis in Contracts – Capital Calls and Late Fees
- Arvus & Ribbis: Cosigning on a Non Jew’s Loan
- Arvus & Ribbis: Cosigning on a Ribbis Loan
- Ribbis Responsibilities of Lawyers, Brokers, and Witnesses
- Purchasing Tax Liens and Mortgage Bundles
- Deal Syndication and the Real Estate Process from Negotiation to Closing
- Credit Unions – Ownership in Ribbis Entities
- Credit Unions: Paying Ribbis by Court Order
- Hard Money Loans & Heter Iska – Kulo Pikadon; Chatzi Milve
- Heter Iska- The Approach of Reb Moshe Feinstein
- Heter Iska Klali and Loans Specified to be Al Pi Heter Iska
- Foreign Currencies and Commodities: Se’ah Bese’ah in Today’s Marketplace
- Pesika: Deposits & Price Guarantees
- Tarsha- Paying for Credit & Early Bird Specials
Yorucha Curriculum
Winter 5784 Part I
Dina D'malchusa
• Governmental Laws and Taxes
• Civil Applications of Governmental Law -
Minhag B’mammon
• Common Business Terms and Practices
• Communal Legislation and Enactments -
Introduction to Monetary Halachah
• The Prohibition of Theft
• Alternative Forms of Theft (Blackmail, Copyright, Etc.)
• Gambling and Dealing in Stolen Goods
Special Edition [Chanukah]
Corporate Gifting
• Matnas Chinam and Ma’achalos Assuros
Winter 5784 Part II
Gezel/Ta'us Akum
• Categories of Gezel Akum
• The How’s and Why’s of Gezel Akum -
Geneivas Daas
• Intentional and Unintentional Misinformation
• Advertising and Marketing -
Ona’ah and Mekach Ta'os
• Fair vs Unfair Pricing
• Exclusions and Limitations to Ona’ah
• Mistaken Calculations and Measurements
• Defining a Mekach Ta’os
• Liabilities in a Case of Mekach Ta’os -
Fair Competition
• Forbidden Forms of Competition
• When Competition is Permitted
• Ani Hamehapech and Headhunting
• Soliciting and Marufiah -
Kinyanim Expounded
• Types of Commitments
• The Halachos of Mi Shepara
• Acts of Acquisition
• Transactional Kinyanim and Kinyanim with Non-Jews